Building Dimension: 20 x 100 feet (built 87 feet deep).
Description: Four floors plus working basement.
Square Feet: Approximately 8500 square feet with zoning to expand an additional 2000 square feet by adding a fifth floor.
Interior: 15 large rooms plus basement including five bedrooms, living room, dining room, bar, library, 8 baths, 8 fireplaces (4 wood, 4 gas), professional kitchen and gymnasium.
Utilities: Unique DC passenger elevator services all floors. Elevator and mechanical rooms are under service contracts. High-efficiency hydrotherm gas-fired hot water boiler, model No. 600B (600,000 BTU total capacity) capable of meeting the needs of the house and up to 2000 additional square feet. Two pumps circulate water throughout system. Fan-coiled system recessed behind louvers allow individual climate-control in each room. Commercial 90 gallon gas-fired hot water storage heater capable of servicing entire house as well as future additions.
Price: $27,750,000
Financing: Free and clear.
Inspection: By appointment only. Contact exclusive agent.
Brochure: Full descriptive brochure with pictures, layout and history available upon request.