Kenneth D. Laub & Company

Success measured by proven ability


Welcome to the web site of Kenneth D. Laub & Company, a full-service real estate firm specializing in the representation of major corporations in their real estate activities.

Our firm was founded in 1969 by Kenneth D. Laub, the originator of tenant representation brokerage.  Since then, we have successfully consummated transactions valued at over $40 billion, involving more than 30 million square feet of office space.

Over the years, we have earned a reputation for solving difficult problems, and for negotiating, year after year, the nation’s largest and most complex real estate deals. While based in New York City, we have been active in more than forty U.S. markets.  More recently, we have developed a unique business model that enables us to offer services around the globe.

In each project, our goal is the goal of our client.  Our real estate strategy is the servant of the client’s business strategy.  One of the pillars of our reputation has been our ability to maximize our clients’ competitiveness, profitability and  shareholder value by creating real estate solutions that minimize their net, after-tax cost of occupancy.

We are a boutique firm, small in size but large in service.  We accept only selected assignments to which we can devote our full attention. We do not accept assignments that might trigger any conflicts of interest. Our loyalties are clear.

We invite you to explore our web site and learn more about us.  If you would like to get better acquainted, we  would welcome your inquiry via mail, e-mail or telephone.

Copyright 2021 Kenneth D. Laub & Company

Success measured by proven ability